Some 10 generations ago we were bequeathed a beautiful valuable Vase by our ancestors. They struggled mightily to build it, and some even gave their lives in that great effort. For 200 plus years many fought, bled, and died to protect that gift. In essence the Vase itself is simple and not of great monetary value, but what it represents cannot be purchased, valued, nor can it be replaced.
This week in an amateurish act a man sworn to protect the Vase decided he would tip it over just for kicks; just to please his friends. The issue is the Vase belongs to all of us, but he broke it. Regardless of what happens tomorrow and how much well-meaning citizens say they can fix it, we all know they can’t.
As the refrain goes “we cannot put the Genie back in the bottle”.
I was born on the island of Cuba; or as many would say a banana republic. That is the land of my birth and although it is upsetting to hear, I have always understood that the refrain is true. Banana republics are the places where former leaders are never safe when there is a new power regime in place. Vendettas and going after your political opponents is par for the course, just the way things are in those places.
One more thing, regardless of how you feel about Donald J Trump this is not about him. This is about that beautiful Vase we just broke. For years I have been asked on many occasions what political party I belong to, and the answer is simple “None”. My allegiance is to The Constitution of The United States and this week I’m hurting because they broke our Vase.
Shame on you. . .