¿Tu eres Cubano? - about the author.
This is a personal platform for expressing my views and sharing my musings with you. It is a mixture of subjects, music, culture, history and current events. The site name comes from a long ago question asked of me, by a very disappointed Miami Choir Director. For more on that, read the origin of the site name.
I am a Cuban born, South Florida raised Cuban-American. I share a common life experience with those of my parents’ generation and also with my American contemporaries. My interest in music runs the gamut from the music of my grandparents “Danzon” to the Jazz of Chicago, New York and New Orleans. Learning history and exploring cultural traditions has always been of interest to me; and thus watching a documentary can be more fun than a sitcom.
The life experience of a Cuban-American is a very unique one. You get to live in two countries at the same time, while physically never leaving South Florida. It is from this experience that many of my musings take their shape and color. I can’t help it; I look at the world thru the eyes of a young immigrant who grew up living the American dream and yet still has a piece of his heart in a land that barely exists anymore.
Literally translated “Tu eres Cubano?” means “are you Cuban?” the technical answer is “yes, I was born on the island”; but there is more to it:
To find out what more there is, read my blog.
This is a personal platform for expressing my views and sharing my musings with you. It is a mixture of subjects, music, culture, history and current events. The site name comes from a long ago question asked of me, by a very disappointed Miami Choir Director. For more on that, read the origin of the site name.
I am a Cuban born, South Florida raised Cuban-American. I share a common life experience with those of my parents’ generation and also with my American contemporaries. My interest in music runs the gamut from the music of my grandparents “Danzon” to the Jazz of Chicago, New York and New Orleans. Learning history and exploring cultural traditions has always been of interest to me; and thus watching a documentary can be more fun than a sitcom.
The life experience of a Cuban-American is a very unique one. You get to live in two countries at the same time, while physically never leaving South Florida. It is from this experience that many of my musings take their shape and color. I can’t help it; I look at the world thru the eyes of a young immigrant who grew up living the American dream and yet still has a piece of his heart in a land that barely exists anymore.
Literally translated “Tu eres Cubano?” means “are you Cuban?” the technical answer is “yes, I was born on the island”; but there is more to it:
To find out what more there is, read my blog.