The Fourth Religion
I am of course referring to modern American Liberalism. We often hear mention of the three great world religions, but we do not often hear of the fourth one as a religion. While they act, worship and defend their “core beliefs” as strongly as any person of faith, they and we not often think of this group as a religious group. Let’s examine this component of modern American culture and politics, and see why it is a religion or more like a cult.
They will espouse strong views on subjects that sometimes are either generally or narrowly defined, depending on the most beneficial definition for the moment. In this endeavor they will claim to defend the first amendment of the constitution; freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly. You will hear the liberal faithful claim to defend this most basics of American Rights, yet have you really sat down and observed the liberal group respond to a comment that does not agree with their agenda or is “offensive” according to liberal parlance. Recently one of the old guys from the Duck Dynasty show said some things that strayed from the liberal parlance. The things he said however are perfectly acceptable within his belief system and as an American he has a right to say them, period. (And yes period means period when I say it) We either have freedom of speech or we don’t.
You will see those same liberal citizens who so strongly support the first amendment pounce on this man, his family and his business to quiet him, destroy him and send a message to the others who dare disagree with the modern acceptable standards set, defined, and often re-defined by the liberal conscious. The liberal conscious is this nebulous collective thought that permeates everything and is ever present, emanating from the liberal luminaries of “the great church council”.
They reside as members of the press, who by definition would be defending the first amendment and this man’s right to speak, yet they will be amongst the most vocal, not in denouncing his comments, but in attempting to discredit every aspect of his life, integrity and family. They would not be satisfied with disagreeing and having a debate on the merits, nope. He will be vilified and his person will be destroyed. The first amendment is not for him.
Another group is the members of the professional punditry, they by definition would also defend the first amendment, but they will not in this case. They will pounce and will join the collective. In this case if you watch closely and listen to different commentary on different stations you will hear the same comments, sometimes verbatim as if they were coming from some higher authority (Not God by the way), they never listen to God “He has nothing to say” you see. This great consciousness knows no higher authority than their own intellect, and they worship at this altar constantly.
The “great church council” will punish the old man and they will sit in judgment and pontificate, because you see they know. What do they know you ask; everything because there is no higher authority. What are their core beliefs you ask, that depends, is today Wednesday or Thursday, has any one member of the high council fallen out of favor. All these factors must be consider when arriving at what is today’s great wrong or offense to be corrected, and how severe the punishment will be.
Stayed tuned.
I am of course referring to modern American Liberalism. We often hear mention of the three great world religions, but we do not often hear of the fourth one as a religion. While they act, worship and defend their “core beliefs” as strongly as any person of faith, they and we not often think of this group as a religious group. Let’s examine this component of modern American culture and politics, and see why it is a religion or more like a cult.
They will espouse strong views on subjects that sometimes are either generally or narrowly defined, depending on the most beneficial definition for the moment. In this endeavor they will claim to defend the first amendment of the constitution; freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly. You will hear the liberal faithful claim to defend this most basics of American Rights, yet have you really sat down and observed the liberal group respond to a comment that does not agree with their agenda or is “offensive” according to liberal parlance. Recently one of the old guys from the Duck Dynasty show said some things that strayed from the liberal parlance. The things he said however are perfectly acceptable within his belief system and as an American he has a right to say them, period. (And yes period means period when I say it) We either have freedom of speech or we don’t.
You will see those same liberal citizens who so strongly support the first amendment pounce on this man, his family and his business to quiet him, destroy him and send a message to the others who dare disagree with the modern acceptable standards set, defined, and often re-defined by the liberal conscious. The liberal conscious is this nebulous collective thought that permeates everything and is ever present, emanating from the liberal luminaries of “the great church council”.
They reside as members of the press, who by definition would be defending the first amendment and this man’s right to speak, yet they will be amongst the most vocal, not in denouncing his comments, but in attempting to discredit every aspect of his life, integrity and family. They would not be satisfied with disagreeing and having a debate on the merits, nope. He will be vilified and his person will be destroyed. The first amendment is not for him.
Another group is the members of the professional punditry, they by definition would also defend the first amendment, but they will not in this case. They will pounce and will join the collective. In this case if you watch closely and listen to different commentary on different stations you will hear the same comments, sometimes verbatim as if they were coming from some higher authority (Not God by the way), they never listen to God “He has nothing to say” you see. This great consciousness knows no higher authority than their own intellect, and they worship at this altar constantly.
The “great church council” will punish the old man and they will sit in judgment and pontificate, because you see they know. What do they know you ask; everything because there is no higher authority. What are their core beliefs you ask, that depends, is today Wednesday or Thursday, has any one member of the high council fallen out of favor. All these factors must be consider when arriving at what is today’s great wrong or offense to be corrected, and how severe the punishment will be.
Stayed tuned.