One of the most recognized songs of Beny More’s repertoire is “Que Bueno Baila Usted”. This song is instantaneously recognized by dancers and drives them to the dance floor immediately; no one sits while this song plays. The song has its origins in the tradition of Soneros and Trovadores in the eastern part of Cuba in the province of Oriente. I was privileged to listen to a very early recording of the song’s refrain dating back to a time way before Beny recorded it. (possibly 1920's)
In the world of Beny More and his “Banda Gigante” the song took a whole different identity and has become emblematic of his music (He made it his). The song was also used by Beny to pay homage to his highly regarded musical director and arranger “Genero Jimenez”. Beny does two things in the song which clearly demonstrate this. One of them is to immortalize the name of “Generoso”, by calling out the refrain “Generoso que Bueno Toca Usted”. The other is to give Generoso an opportunity to turn loose on the trombone, and that he does. At the end of the solo Benny calls out “Eso es un Trombon !!” (That’s a trombone). This was not meant as an identification of the instrument, but rather as recognition that what we are listening to is a trombone being played really well. Generoso “El Tojo” Jimenez is recognized as one of the premier musicians of his generation and a master of his instrument.
Those of you who know me have known that I am a hardcore Beny More fan, but few of you would know that my musical hero has always been Generoso Jimenez. He gave form to Beny’s creativity and both of them together gave us an amazing musical legacy.
PS: As a side note, Generoso also gave me a friend. You see for years I shared musical commentary with an instructor at the academy where my daughter studied piano. One day she came home very excited and said “Dad I met Generoso today, he’s Tutty’s dad”. Turns out that my friend Tutty is Genroso’s son (Ruben 'Tutty' Jimenez) . Tutty inherited two things from his dad, musical talent and humility, he had never boasted about being the son of one of the most important figures of Cuban music.
I invite you to listen to the song and this time focus on the trombone; it does not get any better than that. “Eso es un Trombon !!”
Listen to: Que Bueno Baila Usted |