We are watching the systematic destruction of our political, social, and economic systems. Our way of life is no more than a few steps away from vanishing all together. When I originally wrote about this subject in 2008 warning of the Socialist turn we were making, many said I was exaggerating after all this is The United States of America; things like that don’t happen here. Well, my friends they do happen, and they are happening at an ever-accelerating rate, right before our eyes. At the time the concern was that there were hints of Socialism with the proposal of Universal Health Care and other related policies. Today we don’t even have to worry about the health care issue; the government has already decided they are going to decide for us. (Have you had your vaccine yet?)
- This vaccine is good, and it will totally protect you.
- The reason the vaccine is not working is that there are unvaccinated people.
- Once the unvaccinated people get vaccinated then the vaccine will work. (See #1)
Before I continue let’s clarify something, the virus is real, the vaccines offer some protection and we must behave sensibly considering this challenge; however, it is not the prerogative of your state, local or national government to dictate to you what course of action you take medical or otherwise. I come from the school of thought that believes that governments’ role is to do a few things and only a few things. (Stay out of our lives)
Let’s look at a few of the actions taken:
- Initially we shut down to slow the spread. Then let’s do it on and off on the whims of your government. Totally inconsistent with the ability of businesspeople to plan and run a successful business. This was OK for the government since a profitable and successful business sector is not a priority for a Socialist agenda, control is.
- We must give money to businesses to help them move along. To receive the money, you must do and comply with certain things as directed by your government. Control was the objective again.
- The suddenly unemployed must be taken care of, so both the States and the Federal government started handing out benefits and companies were required to maintain certain benefits. Again, control is the objective. Disrupting and damaging the American economy was the icing on the cake.
- Every citizen must wear a mask, when medical personnel are telling us that the masks are at best a placebo. This one is about control. How many leaders have been seen not wearing the masks. . . . . . . , exactly.
- You must be six feet apart even in places where the air moves around and does not stop at six feet. Placebo time and control.
- You can’t send your kids to school because they are not vaccinated, and this will harm society. It is a basic tenet of Socialism that kids are the purview of the State, not the parents. Control again.
- You can’t go to Church because we cannot have major gatherings. Do you recall seeing other major gatherings during 2020/2021? Religious gatherings are diametrically opposed to Socialism and its control, so the church was unduly punished.
- You shouldn’t go to your family’s annual Thanksgiving or Christmas gathering and if you do ask for passports at the door. Divide and conquer.
- I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.
One last thing we now have, empty grocery stores in many places or at least partially empty and for me this is both a flashback and a sign of hope. It is a flashback because I was born on the island of Cuba where Socialism “thrives”, and I clearly recall my father’s store with the empty shelves. It’s hard to take in that image. My family lost everything to the experiment the Socialist made in Cuba. That experiment has not worked and will never work. If you hear someone saying they didn’t do it right, they are lying. Cuba did it (Socialism) by the book, and it ended up where it always ends up, with empty shelves. There is nothing more indicative of a failing society that its inability to supply and feed itself. We are there and I am hopeful, because for the first time in almost two years it is hitting the American public right in the face.
We all go to the grocery store weekly and we all must buy supplies to take care of our families. They can’t hide behind the mandates, the media and all the other non-sense anymore. The shelves are empty and if you order something it could take weeks or months. The Socialist policies are bearing fruit.
We are there, and I am Hopeful; because those of us who lived it can now point to the empty shelves and repeat what we have been warning about, to help our fellow citizens understand where we are.
We are there and I am hopeful!
God help and Bless The United States of America!