Cuban Lives Don’t Matter
In recent months it has become apparent that the group known as “Black Lives Matter” is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marxist Left (someone planned, paid and directed this). That is a darn shame, but it is unquestionably true. The organization’s name and their objectives no longer lineup, perhaps they never did. This stopped being a peaceful legitimate protest within a couple of days of Mr. Floyd's killing in Minneapolis. The Black population in this country has been sold a bill of goods for many years and in recent months its been taken to a whole new level.
Since its founding this nation embraced a set of principles that work for any nation that chooses to embrace them. Self-government, democratically elected officials, the rule of law, property rights, freedom of speech, free enterprise system and so on. These principles were valid then and they are valid now. Black Americans were initially left out; and to correct it the country fought a long and bloody civil war and has done many other things to correct that initial error. Is there some racism out there? You bet there is and have felt it myself and seen it, however that racism is not what stops any determined American of any race from succeeding in this land.
What stops you is your mindset. So long as you are willing to play into the hand of those who tell you that they are going to fix things for you because you couldn’t possibly take care of it yourself; you’re doomed. You were freed 150 years ago (actually it was your great, great, great grandfather). You’ve never had chains on you, you’ve never been whipped; but yes, you have been discriminated. So, lets go burn up some businesses and loot them, because that will improve things? You know what people are saying; “there they go again”. You are trapped in a circle.
Now let me tell you what I’m thinking. I was born on the island of Cuba; the last true bastion of Communism-Socialism in the western hemisphere. The very thing that BLM espouses to establish in the U.S. We had a revolution down there and as I heard one of the leaders of BLM say, “we burned it all down”. That was 60 years ago, and we haven’t been able to build it back up. We will never be able to build it back up; its done. This is what I see happening here in the U.S. when I see the type of destructive atmosphere and rhetoric coming from BLM and other sympathizers. You embrace Socialist heroes without even knowing who they were, what they were and what they really stand for. You wear shirts of Che Guevara with such pride and I call you a fool. (you also piss me off beyond imagination)
Che Guevara was one of the leaders of that Cuban Revolution where we burned it all down. He was also one of its most distinguished executioners. He murdered, executed more Cubans than just about anyone of that time. The true number will never be known. During my lifetime I have had to endure more Che Guevara T-Shirt wearing fools than you might imagine. Those are the times where I quietly say to myself “Cuban Lives Don’t Matter”. You see I understand your passion and the fight for freedom and justice; but I also understand the manipulation that is going on here. You’re all being used, and in the process, you are tearing down the only country where you might be able to achieve your dreams. If you believe this Socialism thing is the answer; seek out a Cuban and have a chat with him or her. We’re all over the U.S. and we know a lot about Socialism. It’s not that pretty.
God Bless and keep these United States of America safe; man’s last best hope on earth!
In recent months it has become apparent that the group known as “Black Lives Matter” is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marxist Left (someone planned, paid and directed this). That is a darn shame, but it is unquestionably true. The organization’s name and their objectives no longer lineup, perhaps they never did. This stopped being a peaceful legitimate protest within a couple of days of Mr. Floyd's killing in Minneapolis. The Black population in this country has been sold a bill of goods for many years and in recent months its been taken to a whole new level.
Since its founding this nation embraced a set of principles that work for any nation that chooses to embrace them. Self-government, democratically elected officials, the rule of law, property rights, freedom of speech, free enterprise system and so on. These principles were valid then and they are valid now. Black Americans were initially left out; and to correct it the country fought a long and bloody civil war and has done many other things to correct that initial error. Is there some racism out there? You bet there is and have felt it myself and seen it, however that racism is not what stops any determined American of any race from succeeding in this land.
What stops you is your mindset. So long as you are willing to play into the hand of those who tell you that they are going to fix things for you because you couldn’t possibly take care of it yourself; you’re doomed. You were freed 150 years ago (actually it was your great, great, great grandfather). You’ve never had chains on you, you’ve never been whipped; but yes, you have been discriminated. So, lets go burn up some businesses and loot them, because that will improve things? You know what people are saying; “there they go again”. You are trapped in a circle.
Now let me tell you what I’m thinking. I was born on the island of Cuba; the last true bastion of Communism-Socialism in the western hemisphere. The very thing that BLM espouses to establish in the U.S. We had a revolution down there and as I heard one of the leaders of BLM say, “we burned it all down”. That was 60 years ago, and we haven’t been able to build it back up. We will never be able to build it back up; its done. This is what I see happening here in the U.S. when I see the type of destructive atmosphere and rhetoric coming from BLM and other sympathizers. You embrace Socialist heroes without even knowing who they were, what they were and what they really stand for. You wear shirts of Che Guevara with such pride and I call you a fool. (you also piss me off beyond imagination)
Che Guevara was one of the leaders of that Cuban Revolution where we burned it all down. He was also one of its most distinguished executioners. He murdered, executed more Cubans than just about anyone of that time. The true number will never be known. During my lifetime I have had to endure more Che Guevara T-Shirt wearing fools than you might imagine. Those are the times where I quietly say to myself “Cuban Lives Don’t Matter”. You see I understand your passion and the fight for freedom and justice; but I also understand the manipulation that is going on here. You’re all being used, and in the process, you are tearing down the only country where you might be able to achieve your dreams. If you believe this Socialism thing is the answer; seek out a Cuban and have a chat with him or her. We’re all over the U.S. and we know a lot about Socialism. It’s not that pretty.
God Bless and keep these United States of America safe; man’s last best hope on earth!